- The creature can't see, which means its targets have total concealment against it.
- The creature takes a -10 penalty to Perception checks.
- The creature grants combat advantage.
- The creature can't flank.
A blinded creature cannot have combat advantage against anyone.
This condition applies to creatures that have been temporarily blinded, such as by exposure to brilliant
light or a magical darkness clouding their eyes. It doesn't apply to creatures that are naturally blind
(such as oozes).
The bloodied value of a typical creature equals one-half it maximum hit points. A creature is bloodied when its
current hit points drop to its bloodied value or lower. Certain powers and effects work only against a bloodied
target or work better against such a target. An object is never considered to be bloodied.
When an unbloodied creature is killed outright, the creature does not become bloodied in the process. It is just
dead. The rule means a minion, which has only 1 hit point, is bloodied only if an attacker reduces the minion to
0 hit points but knocks it unconscious instead of killing it.
An advantageous state that a creature can gain in a variety of ways. When a creature has combat advantage against
a target, the creature gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against the target.
While a creature is dazed, it doesn't get its normal complement of actions on its turn; it can take either a
standard, a move, or a minor action. The creature can still take free actions, but it can't take immediate or
opportunity actions. It also grants combat advantage and can't flank.
When a creature is Dead it is considered Removed from Play and takes no further part in a combat.
While a creature is deafened, it can't hear, and it takes a -10 penalty to Perception checks.
While a creature is dominated, it can't take actions. Instead, the dominator chooses a single action for
the creature to take on the creature's turn: a standard, a move, a minor, or a free action. The only powers
and other game features that the dominator can make the creature use are ones that can be used at will, such
as at-will powers. For example, anything that is limited to being used only once per encounter or once per
day does not qualify. In spite of this condition, the creature's allies remain its allies, and its enemies,
its enemies. In addition, a dominated creature grants combat advantage and can't flank.
A dying creature is unconscious and must make death saving throws. Monsters normally die when they drop to
0 hit points, so they suffer this condition only in exceptional situations.
While a creature is grabbed, it is
immobilised. Maintaining this condition on the
creature occupies whatever appendage, object, or effect the grabber used to initiate the grab. This condition
ends immediately on the creature if the grabber is subjected to an effect that prevents it from taking actions,
or if the creature ends up outside the range of the grabbing power or effect.
While a creature is helpless, it grants combat advantage and can be the target of a coup de grace.
When a creature is immobilised, it can't move, unless it teleports or is pulled, pushed, or slid.
When a creature is insubstantial, it takes half damage from any damage source, including ongoing damage.
See also half damage.
When a creature marks a target, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn't
include the marking creature as a target. A creature can be subjected to only one mark at a time, and a new
mark supersedes an old one. A mark ends immediately when its creator dies or falls unconscious.
While a creature is petrified, it is
unconscious. In addition, it has resist 20 to
all damage and doesn't age.
While phasing, a creature ignores difficult terrain and can move through obstacles and other creatures, but it
must end its movement in an unoccupied space.
When a creature is prone, it is lying down. It takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and the only way it can move
is by crawling, teleporting, or being pulled, pushed, or slid. In addition, it grants combat advantage to enemies
making melee attacks against it, but it gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from enemies that
aren't adjacent to it.
If a creature is flying when it falls prone, it safely descends a distance equal to its fly speed. If it doesn't
reach a solid surface, it falls.
A creature can end this condition on itself by standing up. A creature can drop prone as a minor action.
This condition can affect limbless creatures, such as fish and snakes, as well as amorphous creatures, such as
Removed from Play
Some effects can temporarily remove a creature from play. While a creature is removed from play, its turns start
and end as normal, but it can't take actions. In addition, it has neither line of sight nor line of effect to
anything, and nothing has line of sight or line of effect to it.
While a creature is restrained, it can't move, unless it teleports. It can't even be pulled, pushed, or slid. It
also takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and it grants combat advantage.
When a creature is slowed, its speed becomes 2 if it was higher than that. This speed applies to all of the
creature's movement modes (walking, flying, and so on), but it does not apply to forced movement against it,
teleportation, or any other movement that doesn't use the creature's speed. The creature also cannot benefit
from bonuses to speed, although it can take actions, such as the run action, that allow it to move farther than
its speed.
While a creature is stunned, it can't take actions. It also grants combat advantage and can't flank.
While a creature is surprised, it can't take actions. It also grants combat advantage and can't flank.
Total Defense
Standard Action
Sometimes it's more important to stay alive than attack your foes, so you focus your attention on
+2 Bonus to All Defenses: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
While a creature is weakened, its attacks deal half damage. However, two kinds of damage that it deals are not
affected: ongoing damage and damage that isn't generated by an attack roll. See also half damage.
A creature is unbloodied when its current hit points rise above its bloodied value.
While a creature is unconscious, it is
helpless, it can't take actions, and it takes
a -5 penalty to all defenses. It also can't flank and is unaware of its surroundings. When a creature is
subjected to this condition, it falls
prone, if possible.