The Forest Ruins
The Water Cave

…continues from Book #01, Chapter #06, Scene #07


The 19th Day of Ches in the Year of the Sudden Journey
Descending into the gloom of a long forgotten ruin in the northern forest the party have found what appears to be more than a goblin lair. They have despatched many goblins, including a chieftain, Balgron the Fat, and his pet torturer. An incarcerated goblin gives them some clues and the party have moved on to locate the chieftain's treasure. Heading into some caves they encountered vermin and strange cave fishers, and even more bizarre creatures, and have now entered a stagnant water cave.

For a chapter summary please see Chapter #06 Summary.

Cast List

Khalin Grundokri

4th Level Male Dwarven Marshal (Warlord)

Kireth Majere

4th Level Male Half-Elven Arcanist (Wizard)

Tradden Aversward

4th Level Male Human Weaponmaster (Fighter)

Zero Uhlit

4th Level Male Human Scoundrel (Rogue)

Scene Length

This scene starts on Monday 15th August 2011 and is expected to be completed by the end of Friday 26th August 2011.

Players are expected to be able to post at least once a day.

Google Wave

This scene was originally written within Google Wave. The scene has not yet been transcribed into the new web format.

The original Wave is now lost with the demise of Google Wave, but the PDF extract of that original scene is provided.


End of Scene