
The Empty Mansion

…continues from Book #01, Prelude, Scene #06


The 30th Day of Alturiak in the Year of the Sudden Journey

Zero and Tradden have successfully infiltrated an old mansion overrun by bandits. Discovering a trapdoor in the floor of the house they have gone underground and found a restrained dwarf, Khalin, in one of the basement rooms. After surviving a swarm of bats and an attack from savage giant rats, they found another captive, a half-elven wizard, Kireth, trussed up in an old pit. After searching what looks like an abandoned camp within a mine they have also found an elven cleric, Celestia. Leaving the mine via a lift in the shaft they have now encountered the owners of the camp - bandits!

Scene Length

This scene started on Friday 13th August 2010 and completed on Wednesday 25th August 2010.


Initiative Block


Round #02

Combat Encounter Completed

Creatures in Play:

01) [23] Zero - 1d20+3+2: 23 - HP: 14/25 25,14

04) [19] Kireth - 1d20+2+2: 19 - HP: 23/23 23,13,23

05) [14] Celestia - 1d20+1+2: 14 - HP: 10/26 (Bloodied) 26,13,19,10

06) [08] Tradden - 1d20+2+2: 8 - HP: 11/26 (Bloodied) 26,15,11,2,-11,0,6,11

07) [06] Khalin - 1d20+1+2: 6 - HP: 25/26 26,18,24,20,25

Removed from Play:

02) [22] Bandit Leader - 1d20+4: 22 (Dmg: 48) 0,11,17,25,32,48

03) [20] Bandit Guards - 1d20+5: 20

Bandit Guard #01 (Dmg: 51) 0,11,19,33,42,51

Bandit Guard #02 (Dmg: 51) 0,4,8,17,23,35,51

08) [06] Bandit Rabble - 1d20+0: 6

Bandit Rabble #01 (Dmg: 9)

Bandit Rabble #02 (Dmg: 4)

Bandit Rabble #03

Bandit Rabble #04 (Dmg: 4)




Features of the Area


All squares that contain a small triangle in the bottom right hand corner are marked as difficult terrain and cost two squares worth of movement to enter.

Illumination: Daylight. Visibility shown on map.


Article Notice
Originally in Google Wave


This scene was originally written within Google Wave. The scene has been transcribed here for completeness, and has been edited where required.

The original Wave was first used as a test bed to allow the players to get to grips with the mechanisms of Google Wave, including any usage of maps, as well as getting used to the rules for the game. Goblins and a Guard Drake were used as simple enemies, with no real plot ot storyline surrounding them. However, we quickly decided to use this as a launching pad for the rest of the story and in our minds changed the goblins to bandits and the drake to a guard dog. The transcription here takes quite an artistic licence in re-representing this Wave, using the same actions, but with different enemies.

This scene has been split into two, with the combat transcribed here. The previous storyline is in the preceeding scene.

The original Wave is now lost with the demise of Google Wave, but the PDF extract of that original scene is provided here.


Zero Uhlit


Sighting the bandit leader, Zero whipped out his crossbow, stepped forth and loosed off a bolt. If he was lucky, the leader might just think one of his cohorts had jabbed him and jab them back.

[Confounding Attack]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader: 1d20+6+2: 9] - critical miss!

As Zero pushed his way to the front of the group he tripped over one of the many roots in the ground and loosed a bolt directly into the turf in front of him.

‘Oops,’ he said, embarrassed.


Bandit Leader


The leader of the group pushed forth his staff in the air and a glowing orb built up on the tip. With a command the orb shot forwards at an unnearthly speed, straight for Zero’s chest.

[Magic Missile]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+7: 25 vs Zero’s Reflex ()] - hits!

[Damage: 2d4+4: 11]

The bolt slammed into Zero’s chest, knocking the wind out of him.


Bandit Guards


The bandit guards quickly strode forwards, their halberds glinting sharply in the sun.

[Bandit Guard #01 Move: ?, ?, ?]

[Bandit Guard #02 Move: ?, ?, ?]

They formed a protective barrier across the front of their leader, daring the group to try any further offensive action.

[Bandit Guard #01: Total Defence]

[Bandit Guard #02: Total Defence]


Kireth Majere


As Zero staggered backwards from the force of the blast, Kireth placed a hand momentarily on his shoulder to steady him. Then he looked over at the leader of this band. The leader, smiling as a result of his show of power, met Kireth’s gaze and his smile faltered slightly, perhaps realising that the hooded figure smiling right back at him was one of his own kind.

‘Kaima!’ whispered Kireth. A small smoky cloud appeared above the campfire before, literally, going ‘puff’ and dispersing outwards.


[Area Burst 2 centred on XX]

[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #01: 1d20+4: 15] - hits!

[Slowed (Save Ends)] and [First Failed Saving Throw - target is Unconscious (Save Ends)]

[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #02: 1d20+4: 15] - hits!

[Slowed (Save Ends)] and [First Failed Saving Throw - target is Unconscious (Save Ends)]

[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #03: 1d20+4: 15] - hits!

[Slowed (Save Ends)] and [First Failed Saving Throw - target is Unconscious (Save Ends)]

[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #04: 1d20+4: 15] - hits!

[Slowed (Save Ends)] and [First Failed Saving Throw - target is Unconscious (Save Ends)]

[Burst Attack vs Bandit Leader: 1d20+4: 15] - hits!

[Slowed (Save Ends)] and [First Failed Saving Throw - target is Unconscious (Save Ends)]

The ripple effect of the cloud overtook all of the gathered rabble and their leader. The men shook their heads as if to try to cast something off, but all looked lethargic.

Zero grinned, impressed. ‘Wow,’ he exclaimed.


Celestia Gaia


Until this point Celestia had remained unnoticed at the back of the pack, but now her eyes began to widen and a wry smile crept across her face that hardened as she waded forwards. Now that Kireth had bombarded the group surrounding the fire, it seemed logical to begin working on the two that were a little closer.

Celestia began to run towards the bandit to her right, she would have appeared graceful apart fromt he fact that she began to scream as she flew towards him. She was conscious that she should not leave herself exposed to a blow from his accomplice and so she remained out of range as best she could.

[Move: ?, ?, ?]

As she closed upon her foes she gave a loud yell, which clearly indicated the amount of effort that she was employing and then with assuredness she struck, swiftly and cleanly.

[Wrathful Thunder]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #01: 1d20+5: 22] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 11] and [Dazed]

As Celestia hit a booming echoed across the battlefield. Her opponent was sent reeling and looked dazed from the assualt.


Tradden Aversward


Tradden had stood and watched in awe as firstly the bandit leader, then Kireth, and then Celestia had utilised various magical powers. Suddenly, realizing that Celestia and Zero were now at the forefront of this battle, the young fighter sensed that the opportunity to follow up with a fast and hard strike with good old steel should not be lost.

Meeting the stern looks of the two halberdiers straight on he charged across the clearing, his two blades dragging behind him in the air, but full of poise, ready to strike.

[Move: ?, ?, ?]

As he arrived at the two bandits he deftly stepped around their ponderous halberd swings and drove his two swords together in a cleaving strike!


[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #01: 1d20+6+2: 19] - hits!

[Damage: 1d8+6: 8] and [Marked]

[Bandit Guard #02 takes 4 splash damage]

Now standing next to Celestia, Tradden made sure that the ire of the guards was as much on him rather than the Cleric as was possible.

Despite the pounding that the first guard had taken in particular, the two halberdiers remained staunch, and there was even a look of confident cockiness about them. However, Tradden was not worried at all because he knew something that they didn’t, and as if on cue he heard the start of a dwarven warcry behind him.


Khalin Grundokri


‘Save some for me!’ yelled Khalin as he charged into the fray with shield raised against the first halberdier and warhammer swinging into action. ‘Can you read the fine print on me runehammer? T’says ‘Nighty night!’’

[Melee Basic Attack - Warhammer]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #01: 1d20+5+2: 13] - misses!

Khalin swung wildly at the guard, but missed by some distance.


Bandit Rabble


The rabble all moved forwards towards the party, but their actions seemed very lethargic.

[Bandit Rabble #01 Move: ?, ?]

[Bandit Rabble #02 Move: ?, ?]

[Bandit Rabble #03 Move: ?, ?]

[Bandit Rabble #04 Move: ?, ?]

The movements were slow and unsteady and most of them were wiping their eyes as if under some magical spell.

[Bandit Rabble #01 Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 10] - success!

[Bandit Rabble #02 Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 14] - success!

[Bandit Rabble #03 Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 8] - failure!

[Unconscious (Save Ends)]

[Bandit Rabble #04 Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 18] - success!

One of the rabble fell down as he walked, as though asleep!


Zero Uhlit


Zero dashed wide of the group and took a bead on the farthest bandit to the right.

[Move: ?, ?, ?]

[Ranged Basic Attack - Hand Crossbow]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Rabble #01: 1d20+5: 7] - misses!

Another missile from the rogue sailed frustratingly wide of its target.


Bandit Leader


The leader of the bandits looked a little confused, the spell from Kireth causing a moment’s distraction. This time he pointed his staff directly at Kireth and uttered some fleeting words.

[Dancing Lightning]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+7: 25 vs Kireth’s Reflex ()] - hits!

[Damage: 1d6+4: 10]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+7: 25 vs Khalin’s Reflex ()] - hits!

[Damage: 1d6+4: 8]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+7: 10 vs Tradden’s Reflex ()] - misses!

The lightning crashed into Kireth and then arced back towards Khalin and Tradden.

[Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 21] - success!

The sorceror then shook his head as if to avert Kireth’s spell.


Bandit Guards


The first bandit guard studied his opponents, looking for the weakest victim, but enraged by Tradden’s cry.

[Bandit Guard #01 Intelligence Check: 1d20+1: 3] - failure!

The corner of his mouth turned up in a wry smile as he picked the frail elven woman to attack.

[Melee Basic Attack - Halberd]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+10-2: 28 vs Celestia’s AC (16)] - critical hit!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 13] and [Marked] and [Bloodied]

The guard uttered a challenge of his own to Celestia as he cut across her with a vast strike spilling her elven blood.

However, as the guard struck Celestia the heaving blow, Tradden saw the opportunity, striking the guard under his halberd.

[Tradden: Melee Basic Attack - Longsword]

[Opportunity Attack vs Bandit Guard #01: 1d20+7: 20] - hits!

[Damage: 1d8+6: 14] and [Marked] and [Bloodied]

The attack hit home, opening a large gash in the guard’s side.

The second guard saw his mate being heavily wounded and thrust his halberd forcefully into Tradden’s midriff.

[Powerful Strike]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+10: 25 vs Tradden’s AC (17)] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 11] and [Knocked Prone]

The strike was so powerful it bowled Tradden over!


Kireth Majere


His teeth felt like tin and his hands still shook slightly from the jolt of the lightning. A rage began to swell deep within him ‘How dare he?’ was the emotion bubbling inside.

He raised his arm slowly until it was outstretched in front of him, his palm facing upwards as if cupping a ball. ‘Then it is you and I, sorceror,’ he called directly at this leader.

‘Runya Morgil!’ whispered the mage. A ball of fire, about the size of a mans head, came in to being directly infront of the leader. The flames licked at his body and face, as though purposely attacking him.

[Flaming Sphere]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader’s Reflex: 1d20+4: 22] - hits!

[Damage: 2d6+4: 11]

The flame scorched the leader, setting small fires on his cloak and rolling up and down his staff.


Celestia Gaia


Celestia was reeling from the blow inflicted by her opponent, blood was now pouring from the open wound across her face; she wiped her face with the sleeve of her now filtly gown.

She shook her head rather stupidly and the stars before her eyes disappeared briefly. A blue hot rage flashed throughout her body as she considered her foe once again; she felt somewhat humiliated by the hit that she had just taken. With another mighty arc of her weapon she swung with all her might towards the guard. As she cried aloud on the descent of the morningstar she thought she saw the guard cower a little.

[Righteous Brand]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #01: 1d20+5: 20] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 9]

[Tradden gains +3 to melee attack on Bandit Guard #01 until end of next turn]

The guard reeled from the latest blow and staggered back a slight pace, obviously deeply hurt.


Tradden Aversward


One minute Tradden had been dealing blows left, right and centre against the two halberdiers, the next he was lying on his back watching the cumulonimbus clouds high above the forest drifting out towards the sea. He had never seen the halberd blow coming, but he could now certainly feel where it had been - ouch!

Springing to his feet he rounded on the first Halberdier, determined to take him out of the fight and give some respite to himself and his companions, pressed as they now were.

[Move: Stand]

All the halberdier could see was a flurry of blades in front of him.

[Dual Strike]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #01: 1d20+7+3: 19] - hits!

[Damage: 1d8+2: 9] and [Dead]

[Secondary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+8: 21] - hits!

[Damage: 1d6+2: 4] and [Marked]

The guard could no longer take the barrage of hits singled out against him, and with the final strike of the blades went down in a heap.


Khalin Grundokri


Khalin glanced at the two bloodied companions alongside him: ‘Take heart, Mistress Elf, we will prevail!’

[Inspiring Word]

[Celestia spends a Healing Surge and regains 1d6+6: 12 hp]

[Celestia is no longer Bloodied]

...before swiftly marshalling his own energies.

[Dwarven Resilience]

[Khalin spends a Healing Surge and regains 6 hit points]

[Khalin gains +2 to defences until start of next turn]

The dwarven warlord then turned his attention to the second guard, striking in a whirlwind of fury.

[Brash Assault]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+5: 9] - misses!

Khalin struck, but just hit the haft of the guard’s halberd.


Bandit Rabble


The bandits pushed forwards trying to overwhelm the party.

[Bandit Rabble #01 Move: ?, ?, ?]

[Bandit Rabble #02 Move: ?, ?, ?]

[Bandit Rabble #04 Move: ?, ?, ?]

Now in position, they swung their clubs.

[Bandit Rabble #01: Melee Basic Attack - Club]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+6: 16 vs Celestia’s AC (16)] - hits!

[Damage: 4]

[Bandit Rabble #02: Melee Basic Attack - Club]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+6: 25 vs Tradden’s AC ()] - hits!

[Damage: 4] and [Bloodied]

[Bandit Rabble #04: Melee Basic Attack - Club]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+6: 11 vs Khalin’s AC (+2)] - misses!

The bandits swung their clubs with moderate success, cracking one of Tradden’s ribs!

[Bandit Rabble #03 Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 3] - failure!


Zero Uhlit


‘If you don’t work this time, I’m chucking you in the next lake I see,’ Zero cursed at his crossbow.

He scurried around the side of the bandit group and loosed off a shot.

[Move: ?, ?, ?]

[Ranged Basic Attack - Hand Crossbow]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Rabble #01: 1d20+5: 17] - hits!

[Damage: 1d6+3: 9] and [Dead]

The bolt flew straight and true and caught the first bandit rabble in the neck as he advanced on Celestia. The bandit dropped instantly, clutching futilely at the exposed shaft.


Bandit Leader


The bandit leader tried to protect his face and arms against the heat of Kireth’s conjured fire, but to no avail.

[Flaming Sphere - Adjacent]

[Damage: 1d4+4: 6]

Patting out small singes of flame on his cloak, in anger he once more pushed forth his staff in the air and a glowing orb built up on the tip. With a command the orb shot forwards at an unnearthly speed, straight for Kireth’s chest.

[Magic Missile]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+7-2: 12 vs Kireth’s Reflex ()] - misses!

As the bolt of energy flew towards Kireth the half-elf raised his own staff in response and the energy slammed into the staff, dissipating along its length.


Bandit Guards


The second guard, after seeing his colleague cut down, thrust his halberd forcefully at the source of all of the barked challenges, the young fighter.

[Bandit Guard #02: Powerful Strike]

[Recharge: 1d6: 6] - success!

[Bandit Guard #02: Powerful Strike]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+10: 15 vs Tradden’s AC (17)] - misses!

The strike was powerful, but Tradden deflected it well with his shortsword.


Kireth Majere


Pushed back slightly by the force of the bolt, Kireth lowered his staff and stared in defiance at the bandit leader. This magic was quite powerful, more so than his own current ability. This, however, was not something to be fearful of, this was something to aspire to and crush.

He kept his concentration, sustaining the ball of fire.

[Flaming Sphere]

With his free arm still outstretched, he thrust the fire further forward. The sphere responded to this action, its flames pressing further forward against the man.

[Flaming Sphere]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader’s Reflex: 1d20+4: 10] - misses!

The sorceror moved swiftly to one side as the flames headed towards him.

From the sidelines, Zero observed the blazing wizard duel with apprehension. Did he really want to shoot a man who could blast him into nothing with a simple gesture?


Celestia Gaia


Celestia did not need to move, the second bandit was close at hand. She wasted no time before she chose to strike; she was now growing in confidence buoyed by her recent attack. She was too quick for the bandit, who was ill prepared for her movement. She drew out her symbol and recanted the sacred words of invocation that she had learned as a child.

[Sacred Flame]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+4: 23] - hits!

[Damage: 1d6+4: 9]

The bandit guard recoiled as the power hit him, but managed to stand his ground.


Tradden Aversward


Sensing that the tide was turning, Tradden’s brow constricted as he visibly focused. The enemy in front of him were still many, but clearly the halberdier was the main threat.

Had he known how cliched the battle cry he was about to exclaim was he probably wouldn’t have used it, but he had seen it in a play when he was young, and it had always stuck with him.

‘Have at thee, cur!’, he snarled, as he again cleaved his weapons through the air.


[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+8: 14] - misses!


The guard blocked the clumsy attack easily with the haft of his halberd, pushing the young fighter back.


Khalin Grundokri


Khalin checked over his shoulder at Kireth, checking the wizard was coping with the energies being thrown at him: ‘Steel yourself, Master Kireth, we have nearly broken them!’

[Inspiring Word]

[Kireth spends a Healing Surge and regains 1d6+6: 11 hit points]

The dwarven warlord then turned his attention back to the second guard, smashing with his hammer.

[Brash Assault]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+5: 19] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 6]

[Target can make free attack with Combat Advantage, if does then ally can make attack with Combat Advantage]

Khalin struck the side of the guard’s helm, distracting him for a moment. He roared at Khalin and lunged forwards with his halberd.

[Bandit Guard #02: Melee Basic Attack - Halberd]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+10+2: 15 vs Khalin’s AC (18)] - misses!

Sensing his opportunity, Zero let fly with a bolt at the distracted guard.

[Zero: Ranged Basic Attack - Hand Crossbow]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+5+2: 21] - hits!

[Damage: 1d6+3: 5] plus [2d6: 7 sneak damage] and [Bloodied]

The bolt struck true, catching the guard in his thigh. Blood coursed down his leg.


Bandit Rabble


The rabble continued to make their presence felt even though they did not seem much of a threat compared to the guards and the magic-wielding leader.

[Bandit Rabble #02: Melee Basic Attack - Club]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+6: 16 vs Khalin’s AC (18)] - misses!

[Bandit Rabble #04: Melee Basic Attack - Club]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+6: 16 vs Khalin’s AC (18)] - misses!

Both of the bandits failed to connect.

[Bandit Rabble #03 Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 5] - failure!

The third thug remained firmly asleep on the grassy floor.


Zero Uhlit


Zero hastily loosed off another bolt at the injured bandit guard.

[Ranged Basic Attack - Hand Crossbow]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+5: 11] - misses!

The bolt flew high and wide. Zero spent some moments looking down the length of his crossbow, checking that it was straight.


Bandit Leader


The bandit leader tried to protect his face and arms against the heat of Kireth’s conjured fire, but to no avail.

[Flaming Sphere - Adjacent]

[Damage: 1d4+4: 8] and [Bloodied]

The sorceror looked hastily from his dimishing troops and guards to the group of warriors attacking them and to the wizard beyond. The commoner to the side with the poor aim would wait for last - first he had to remove those that were standing up to his men.

He raised his staff once more, this time slamming it into the floor with all force. A barely discernable wave formed in the air and shot straight across the battlefield towards Tradden, exploding with all the noise of a thunderclap behind the young fighter - the force of the blow being felt by Celestia, Tradden, and Khalin combined.

[Thunder Burst]

[Area Burst 1 centred on XX] with [Damage: 1d8+4: 9]

[Burst Attack: 1d20+7: 22 vs Celestia’s Fortitude (13)] - hits!

[Damage: 9] and [Dazed (Save Ends)] and [Bloodied]

[Burst Attack: 1d20+7: 14 vs Khalin’s Fortitude (14)] - misses!

[Burst Attack: 1d20+7: 24 vs Tradden’s Fortitude (17)] - hits!

[Damage: 9] and [Dazed (Save Ends)]

As the thunderclap hit, Khalin steeled himself against the force of the blast. Celestia and Tradden were less lucky, however, and felt the full force of the leader’s spell. With the deafening noise ringing in their ears they found it hard to concentrate on the matters at hand.


Bandit Guards


Sensing an opportunity, the second guard contemplated using his forceful strike with his halberd against Tradden whilst he looked rocked from the blast from the leader.

[Bandit Guard #02: Powerful Strike]

[Recharge: 1d6: 3] - failure!

However, he couldn’t quite find the opening he needed. Instead he brought down the halberd in a swift motion, aiming for the fighter’s neck.

[Bandit Guard #02: Melee Basic Attack - Halberd]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+10+2: 26 vs Tradden’s AC (17)] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 13] and [Dying] and [Knocked Prone]

As the dazed Tradden saw the halberd descend he saw no way out and blackness overtook him.

As the halberd descended towards the dazed Tradden’s neck, Khalin uttered another challenge to the bandit.

‘Not while I stand, vermin!’ he shouted, thrusting the shaft of his warhammer against the descending blade, somewhat lessening the blow, and then bringing up the business end of his weapon into the surprised guard’s face.

[Khalin: Fearless Rescue]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Guard #02: 1d20+6: 18] - hits!

[Damage: 2d10+3: 16] and [Dead]

[Tradden spends a Healing Surge and regains 6 hit points] and [Negates Dying]

For a couple of moments the guard just continued to look surprised, and then with a crash fell backwards to the ground with a thump. Tradden looked up, surprised, but alive.


Kireth Majere


Clearly this sorceror was becoming increasingly concerned by the diminishing amount of backup he had. This was, of course, a real danger for him but to break off from Kireth in order to deal with it, bah, that was either arrogant or foolish. Either way it would be among his last actions in this world.

[Flaming Sphere]

Kireth focused all the more and, rounding his hands once again around the imaginary ball, he thrust forward with all he had.

[Flaming Sphere]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader’s Reflex: 1d20+4: 5] - critical miss!

The bandit leader easily dodged the ball of fire, batting it away like a pesky insect with ease.


Celestia Gaia


It had not escaped her attention that Tradden was in bad shape; he had taken serious damage, which was an inevitable result of his flambouyant attacking strategy. Although Celestia had been successful thus far in her own attacking forays she decided that now was the time for temperence.

She turned slightly towards her left and sought to heal the ailing warrior. Almost instantly she realised that she could do a little more than merely help Tradden, she could also affect the two enemies within close proximity to the group. If only it would work...

She drew her Holy Symbol that lay around her neck, suspended by a glistening golden chain. The symbol itself was triangular in shape, but no one side was the same length, it was jagged and sharp. She held the token within her hands and held it aloft, in plain sight of the assembled troop. As she did this it began to emit silver sparks that rose high into the air, forming one uniform beam as they did so. As they coalesced andreached the very top of their apogee they began to arc and fall back to the earth at an increasing speed eventually plummeting towards the rabble.

[Beacon of Hope]

[Close Burst 3]

[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #02’s Will: 1d20+4: 16] - hits!


[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #03’s Will: 1d20+4: 20] - hits!


[Burst Attack vs Bandit Rabble #04’s Will: 1d20+4: 13] - hits!


[Tradden and Khalin regain 5 hit points]

The rabble left standing covered their eyes against the silver sparks and shrieked as they hit him. Tradden and Khalin were also caught within the shower, but instead of shrieking they felt invigorated.

Celestia then tried to shake off the effects of the thunderclap.

[Saving Throw vs Dazed: 1d20: 3] - failure!

The ringing in her ears did not abate, though.


Tradden Aversward


Groggily, Tradden stood, one sword-bearing hand resting on a bended knee as his armoured form rose from the floor of the clearing.

[Move: Stand]

He shook his head, trying to get back some focus, the edges of his vision hazy and the trees on all around him swaying like the sequence dancers Tradden had seen in The Bashful Bear only the night before.

The events of the last few moments had been a blur - bright light after bright light hitting him again and again, some painful, some blissful. His innate and first instinct was to run - to flee to the safety of the forest’s edge, but he choked back the cold, creeping fear that threatened to overwhelm him.

‘Snap out of it Aversward!’ he ordered himself, trying to get back to a semblance of clarity.

[Saving Throw vs Dazed: 1d20+1: 12] - success!

The clearing did indeed snap back into view. This was a bit of a shock to Tradden, as he suddenly realised he was stood in the middle of much scorched earth, and many bodies. ‘Ah.’ was all he could manage.


Khalin Grundokri


With the third bandit now firmly in the land of nod, Khalin considered making a play at the leader, but with Tradden still looking one doubloon short of a bag, the more prudent option appeared to be to leave the glory to Kireth and Zero (if the prickly mage could finally get his fire started and the quirky yet affable rogue could sort his aim) and finish the remaining bandit first.

The warlord quickly decided he could perhaps do both...

Khalin stepped quickly past the defeated bandit guard and swung his hammer at one of the ruffians, letting go the grip on impact and deftly whipped out his dagger, which he hurled at the leader. If Kireth’s fireball caused enough of a distraction, maybe the dagger would sneak past the magic-user’s guard.

[Melee Basic Attack - Warhammer]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Rabble #04: 1d20+5: 18] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 4] and [Dead]

The bandit dropped to the floor and Khalin let fly with the dagger.

[Action Point]

[Tradden gains a Standard Action]

[Ranged Basic Attack - Dagger]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader: 1d20+4: 12] - misses!

He growled at the unsuccessful throw, quickly ducking to avoid any return blows and picking up the hammer in front of him.


Bandit Rabble


The remaining standing bandit, seeing the guards defeated and his leader being pursued by a flaming ball of fire, ran for the woods.

Khalin saw him run from the corner of his eye and swung his warhammer.

[Khalin: Melee Basic Attack - Warhammer]

[Opportunity Attack vs Bandit Rabble #02: 1d20+5: 22] - hits!

[Damage: 1d10+3: 4] and [Dead]

Khalin struck him down as he fled.

[Saving Throw vs Sleep: 1d20+1: 16] - success!

The bandit that had remained unconscious throughout the battle stirred a little on the floor.


Zero Uhlit


‘Ohhh, I know I’m going to regret this,’ Zero grumbled anxiously as he opened fire on the bandit wizard.

[Ranged Basic Attack - Hand Crossbow]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader: 1d20+5: 13] - misses!

Another bolt from the rogue skimmed past its target, although Zero almost seemed relieved.


Bandit Leader


The bandit leader tried to protect his face and arms against the heat of Kireth’s conjured fire, but to no avail.

[Flaming Sphere - Adjacent]

[Damage: 1d4+4: 7] and [Bloodied]

Brushing aside the persistent flames the leader pointed his staff once more towards Kireth, the wizards’ duel yet to be complete, and a force bolt shot from the end straight at Kireth’s chest straight past Tradden, Celestia, and Khalin.

[Magic Missile]

[Primary Attack: 1d20+7-2: 13 vs Kireth’s Reflex (14)] - misses!

The energy bolt failed to strike home once more, as Kireth pushed his staff in front of him which took the full force of the blow.

The leader looked anxious, and turned to see what exits were available.


Kireth Majere


He had twice now failed to affect the leader of this rabble, this was not acceptable. On the other hand, said leader had also failed to make an impact on Kireth, his staff, his ‘beloved’ staff coming to his aid once again.

[Flaming Sphere]

‘It is time we ended this charade, sorceror.’ Kireth thurst both his free hand and that clenching the staff in the air, the sphere of fire responded, burning brighter yet, and plunged once more for the leader. Anyone watching closely enough may have noticed Kireth’s eyes themselves seemed to flicker like flames as the mage marveled at the ferocity of his own attack.

[Flaming Sphere]

[Primary Attack vs Bandit Leader’s Reflex: 1d20+4: 24] - critical hit!

[Damage: 2d6+4: 16] and [Dead]

As the leader had turned, his eyes scanning the tree line for an exit, the fiery sphere had overtaken him, burning his robes and singing his hair. The leader’s staff set alight and with a great scream he fell just short of the trees.

The duel was over and he would give this failed mage no more thought. He turned his attention to the remaining man, currently laying prone. ‘You,’ he called pointing a bony finger directly at him, ‘would do well not to move a muscle’. The flaming sphere shot backwards and hovered less than half a yard away, its flames licking and cracking in anticipation.


Bandit Rabble


The bandit slowly rose from his prone position eyeing the group with suspicion. A wide smirk then crossed his lips.

‘You will be dissolved,’ he shouted at the group, staring wildly at Kireth at the rear. ‘You will decay, be snuffed, fragment!’

With that he turned quickly and ran straight for the flaming sphere, jumping directly into the heart of it. All that remained were cinders.




[...Combat Encounter Completed...]


Short Rest


Healing Surges

Healing Surges are applied.

[Celestia spends ? healing surges (? left) to get to 26/26 hit points]

[Khalin spends ? healing surges (? left) to get to 26/26 hit points]

[Kireth spends ? healing surges (? left) to get to 23/23 hit points]

[Tradden spends ? healing surges (? left) to get to 26/26 hit points]

[Zero spends ? healing surges (? left) to get to 25/25 hit points]

Encounter Powers

All encounter powers are recharged.


No Milestones achieved.


Experience awarded.

[Celestia gains ? xp to reach ? xp]

[Khalin gains ? xp to reach ? xp]

[Kireth gains ? xp to reach ? xp]

[Tradden gains ? xp to reach ? xp]

[Zero gains ? xp to reach ? xp]


No characters ready to level up.


End of Scene

[...continued in Book #01, Prelude, Scene #08...]