The Forest Ruins
The Ghoul Warren

…continues from Book #01, Chapter #07, Scene #04


The 20th Day of Ches in the Year of the Sudden Journey
Descending into the gloom of a long forgotten ruin in the northern forest the party have found a tale of kidnap! A dwarf named Rangrim, from the mainland they believe, has joined them before they descend into the depths of the ruins to rescue his friends, and hopefully the missing elf ranger, Gilmorril.

The group encountered resistance in the form of well-disciplined hobgoblins, but with the help of Rangrim dispatched them, and headed further into the complex, negotiating traps. Death now hangs in the air around them as they find another chamber full of undead.

For a chapter summary please see Chapter #07 Summary.

Cast List

Khalin Grundokri

5th Level Male Dwarven Marshal (Warlord)

Kireth Majere

5th Level Male Half-Elven Arcanist (Wizard)

Tradden Aversward

5th Level Male Human Weaponmaster (Fighter)

Zero Uhlit

5th Level Male Human Scoundrel (Rogue)

Rangrim Ironnose

Rogue (NPC)

Scene Length

This scene starts on Monday 5th December 2011 and is expected to be completed by the end of Friday 16th December 2011.

Players are expected to be able to post at least once a day.

Google Wave

This scene was originally written within Google Wave. The scene has not yet been transcribed into the new web format.

The original Wave is now lost with the demise of Google Wave, but the PDF extract of that original scene is provided.


End of Scene